Join my ‘Great Get Together’

Join my ‘Great Get Together’ as we go around the world at Howell Road Allotments.

Jo Cox was sadly murdered on the 16th June 2016 in her constituency doing the work she loved, as an MP committed to helping the public.

Jo was a mother, a friend, a wife and an inspiration to many.

So, in her name, the Jo Cox Foundation was created to combat loneliness and to bring people together.

That’s why each year I host a ‘Great Get Together’ because I want to celebrate our diverse city and the wonderful people in it.

This year, I’m hosting an event at Howell Road Allotments in Ettingshall because I love how diverse it is, how different cultures come together in one place.

Plot holders from all nationalities get together all the time to share produce and companionship.

So, on Saturday 25th June at 12PM, I want to invite you to my Great Get Together. All attendees will pay £10 to come to Howell Road allotments and whilst you are there, you will have the chance to taste food from all of the plot holders mother countries (Polish, English, African etc) and remember Jo Cox whilst getting to know one another.

All funds will go to the Jo Cox Foundation.

We’ll have a few fun things for our guests to do e.g. egg and spoon race, other games and you’ll get a chance to go ‘around the world’ at the allotments to tour the different plots whose keen growers are from different cultures.

The event will provide everyone with a chance to taste something from one another’s home country, cuisine or culture so we can get an insight in to one another’s lives … and pallets.

If you are attending, please email: [email protected] with your name and who you are attending with.

Places are limited so RSVP today!