National Road Safety Week

This week is National Road Safety Week and I’ve been working with Persimmon Homes to introduce safety measures outside Bilston Church of England Primary School as part of a new housing development by Persimmon.

I’ve worked with the council’s Transportation and Road Safety teams on a £12,000 project to install guard railing outside of the school entrance.

Parking restrictions have also been introduced in the form of double yellow lines and ‘School Keep Clear’ markings.

We are pleased to have been able to introduce these safety measures outside Bilston C of E School which will help ensure the safety of children as they arrive and leave school.

This week is also Road Safety Week, which is a timely reminder that we all have a role to play in making journeys safer for everyone.

A huge thanks to the Council team involved and Persimmon for helping keep children and our community in Ettingshall safe.

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